Quality policy
Environment and Energy (QHSE & Energy)
Policy of Larderello Group

Our vision
Larderello Group intends to be acknowledged as a Quality, Health & Safety, Environment and Energy Management (QHSE & Energy) leader in all sectors in which it operates by providing innovative solutions, meeting needs of our customers in line with the global principles of sustainable development and Integrated Management Systems.
Our principles
We conduct our business with respect and care for the environment and without compromising the health and safety of people, whether employees, customers, or citizens around the world.
We continuously improve our business processes while meeting or exceeding legal or regulatory requirements and the appropriate international standards.
We provide high quality products and services to make our customers successful and to add value to our business.
We provide an environment for open and transparent communications of QHSE & Energy matters.
We recognize that the skills and involvement of our employees are essential for understanding and fulfilling the needs of our company and our customers.
We provide the resources necessary to achieve our vision.
Our committement
To follow these principles Larderello Group is committed
- for Quality issues to carry out their activities in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard, while maintaining the quality of the supplied products adequate
- for Environmental issues to carry out their activities in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 standard and Regulation CE/1221/2009 (EMAS III),
- verifying the adequacy of the context in which we operate
- drawing up a periodic assessment of the compliance obligations
- drawing up a periodic assessment of the risks and environmental impacts of our activities and related risks, seeking solutions to minimize any negative effects of our activities on the environment
- implementing a transparent communication of our activities in the environmental field
- paying particular attention to waste management, working towards a disposal oriented towards the recycling of materials
- for the issues of Health and Safety in the Workplace we carry out our activities in compliance with the UNI ISO 45001: 2018 standard
- verifying the implementation of the legal provisions on workplace safety
- consulting and involving the workers and, where established, the workers’ representatives in relation to the aspects inherent to the risks to the health of the workers themselves
- planning, developing, and implementing plans for the elimination of health risks for workers
- for the Prevention of Major Accidents to carry out our activities in compliance with Legislative Decree 105/2015
- provide adequate tools to create and maintain the major accident management system (manuals, procedures, operating instructions, etc.) and to disclose it to all workers
- training all employees to operate with full knowledge of the potential risks associated with the business
- informing, before their entry into the site area, all employees, employees of external companies, third party transporters and occasional visitors, about the risks and about the organization in charge of safety and emergency management within the company
- planning appropriate measures so that third party workers operating within the plant adopt behaviours, practices, and procedures consistent with this major accident prevention policy
- for Energy Efficiency to carry out our activities in compliance with the UNI CEI EN ISO 50001: 2018 standard
- ensuring attention to savings and energy efficiency since from the procurement phase
- applying efficiency principles to all energy aspects that involve the company such as the use of office machinery, lighting, cooling, and heating systems, processing methods
- implementing the monitoring and control of the energy consumption of the offices and production plant
- planning the work activities with a view to energy efficiency, where possible and in any case ensuring the continuity of the processes
Paolo Bonini
Executive Chairman
This vision is deployed through an integrated Quality, Health, Environment and Safety system (QHSE).
- Environmental Certification ISO 14001
- Quality System Certification ISO 9001
- Health and Safety Certification ISO 45001
- Energy Management System Certification ISO 50001
- Food Safety Standard Certification FSSC 22000
- Fertilizer Quality Certification
- PAMIRA Climate Protection Certificate
- EMAS – Eco Management and Audit Scheme Certification